Author: Loudoun Sports Therapy

Loudoun Sports Therapy

Loudoun Sports Therapy Center is a premier physical therapy clinic. We offer outpatient orthopedic and sports physical therapy as well as specialty programs.

Loudoun County, Va. — We all know that running is great exercise for our bodies, but often people stop due to knee or lower leg pain. This can happen for a variety of reasons, but usually ones we don’t even think about. Did you know that more than 50 million Americans deal with some sort of knee trouble? So it’s not surprising that the knees are the second most common injured joint. Common injuries with running or exercising: Patellofemoral pain Meniscus tears and pain Ligament injuries (ACL, PCL, MCL, LCL) Osteoarthritis Shin splints Hamstring pulls Achilles tendonitis Common causes of most knee and leg…

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Loudoun County, Va. — Many people go out for a run or start a pickup game of baseball without taking the time to properly warm up before or cool down afterwards. But making this part of your routine before and after playing a game, running, exercising or engaging in any high-intensity activity is crucial to preventing serious injuries. Some of these injuries include: Strains and sprains Shin splints Knee injuries Tendinitis Dislocations Fractures Physical therapists, physical therapist assistants and athletic trainers see these types of injuries on a regular basis. One main goal — besides trying to return an athlete to…

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Loudoun County, Va. — From Netflix, to cell phone apps, to nearly everything going mobile these days, it’s getting easier to avoid being just that: mobile. Parents spend hours in the car commuting to and from work and family activities. Kids have rigorous academic schedules with lots of homework. These all can contribute to a sedentary lifestyle. According to the American Heart Association, the number of overweight and obese adults is continuing to climb. So what are some tips to help keep you from becoming part of this statistic? Today is the American Heart Association’s National Walking Day! Let’s lace up…

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By Maria Cuevas, DPT Wellness Blog Contributor [twitter-follow screen_name=’@toCME4PT’] (March 23, 2016) — Your bracket is filled, your office pool is underway and any to-do list you intended to complete will have to wait until after the championship. March Madness has begun! Basketball is going to be the brain for everyone especially as the weather continues to warm up and the opportunities to play pick-up games are more frequent. If you watch any of the NCAA tournament, you probably notice before the whistle, the players do a good stretch and warm-up. This is a crucial part of any game, even an informal pick-up…

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By Tricia Walker, ATC Wellness Blog Contributor [twitter-follow screen_name=’@toCME4PT’] (March 9, 2016) — Your days have probably gotten a lot busier with spring sports seasons starting up. It’s staying lighter later so you and your teammates can actually hit the fields and practice outside. But as lacrosse, soccer, tennis and other sports ramp up, so does your risk of injury. You may think that a concussion only happens in football games or car crashes. But the truth is, soccer players and lacrosse players are at just as high a risk.  So how do you or your athletes not get sidelined by a…

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By Kate Zanoni, LPTA Wellness Blog Contributor [twitter-follow screen_name=’@toCME4PT’] (February 24, 2016) — For athletes or those starting an exercise program, doing too much too soon can result in a painful and potentially side-lining injury: shin splints! So what are they and how can you prevent them? Shin splints are an overuse injury caused by repetitive stress to the lower legs. Runners who increase their intensity or incline too soon or those who don’t have a good stretching program are at risk for shin splints. It’s also very common for athletes to get shin splints at the start of a sports…

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